Madrigal Dinner in May 2019

The Chorale’s last concert of the season is sure to be a treat for the entire family.  If you enjoy medieval reenactments, you will especially enjoy A Madrigal Dinner!  In true medieval fashion, madrigals will perform selections while you enjoy a delicious meal!  Stay tuned for dates and times.

To audition for the Steiner Chorale, sign up online at  Rehearsals will be every Monday starting on September 10that St. Paul’s Lutheran Church on Lake Lansing Road.

2018 Holiday Concert – Schubert’s Mass in G

You won’t want to miss Steiner’s Holiday concert in December!  Eric Cadena will be conducting the chorale’s performance of Franz Schubert’s Mass in G, along with other popular holiday selections.  What a great way to start the holiday season!  Stay tuned for dates and times.

To audition for the Steiner Chorale, sign up online at  Rehearsals will be every Monday beginning September 10that St. Paul’s Lutheran Church on Lake Lansing Road.

2019 Spring Concert to feature Takis Pizanis

Steiner Chorale is pleased to announce that its spring concert will feature the incredibly talented pianist, Takis Pizanis, performing Beethoven’s Choral Fantasy, Op 80.  Also, the Chorale will perform Faure’s Requiem.  Stay tuned for dates and times.

Takis received his Bachelor of Fine Arts from Florida Atlantic University and his Master of Music from Michigan State University.  As a prize-winning pianist, he performs as a soloist, staff accompanist for clinics and conferences, and as a personal accompanist for instrumental and vocal soloists.  He has directed numerous high school and community musical productions and is the accompanist for the MSVMA’s teachers’ Summer Workshop.  Takis has been the accompanist for Steiner Chorale for over 20 years.

To audition for the Steiner Chorale, sign up online at  Rehearsals will be every Monday beginning September 10that St. Paul’s Lutheran Church on Lake Lansing Road.


2018 Holiday Concert Guest Conductor – Eric Cadena

Steiner Chorale is pleased to announce Eric Cadena as the guest conductor for the 2018 Holiday concert. Corb Felgenhour, current Artistic Director, will be on sabbatical.

Eric teaches 6th-12th grade vocal music for East Lansing Public Schools. Prior to arriving at ELPS, he taught vocal music for ten years in Sturgis Public Schools. While in Sturgis, Eric also served as Producer/Music Director for thirteen musicals. In addition to singing in choirs, he has performed in musicals in high school and operas in college. Both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees are in music education from Western Michigan University. Eric currently serves his professional music association, MSVMA, on the planning teams for both the Summer Conference and Michigan Music Conference.

To audition, sign up online at  Rehearsals will be every Monday beginning September 10that St. Paul’s Lutheran Church on Lake Lansing Road.


Silver Bells in the City – this Friday night

The 33rd Silver Bells in the City is on Friday, November 17, 2017. Silver Bells is coordinated by Downtown Lansing Inc.  

As posted by Silver Bells in the City, “The 33rd Silver Bells in the City will take place on Friday, November 17, 2017 from 5-9 p.m. in downtown Lansing.

Silver Bells in the City is the premiere holiday event for the State of Michigan! The event attracts more than 100,000 people annually and features an Electric Light Parade followed by the lighting of Michigan’s official Christmas tree and fireworks (weather permitting) over the Capitol dome.


Steiner tapped to lead singing at Silver Bells

2015 – Silver Bells in the City

The Steiner Chorale has been asked to lead the community-sing at “Silver Bells in the City” on November 17th located at downtown Lansing in front of the capital building.  At the conclusion of the parade and in anticipation of the lighting of the Christmas tree, the Chorale will lead the crowds of people in several holiday carols.  This will be the third year the Chorale has been asked to sing at Silver Bells.